Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bucket List: Fashion and Wellness

This is a pretty weak section for my Bucket List. I'm sure as I read more lists I'll come up with more ideas but this is it for now~

Spend 3 months getting my body in optimum shape

Learn Krav Maga

Master the Pincha Maurasana pose
Take a makeup lesson

Run a half-marathon
Walk a full marathon

Be able to do the splits
Do 100 consecutive pushups

Complete the Tough Mudder


  1. great list so far! any other fashion items? I just came across getting leather pants. Should one get a pair at anytime in their lives?

  2. I personally think I passed the age to wear leather pants (if only Steven Styler would listen to me!!). However, I ALWAYS wanted a bomber jacket when I was growing up because it was the ultimate style. I think I'm going to put butter leather jacket on my list. Oh and see a New York or Paris fashion show!! I wonder what fashion items will come up in your box!


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